Monday, August 25, 2014
Cross stitching
I have been working on my cross stitch project and trying to be good about finishing it before Christmas. However, lately I have been needing something for myself alone so I dug through my stash and found a Mar/Apr 1989 cross stitch magazine that had patterns for a set of the 12 days of Chtistmas ornaments. I have always loved this Christmas carol in ornament form and decided it is about time I started them. Here is the first day of the partridge in a pear tree, only half way done due to a misread symbol. The first try had the partridge looking like it had chicken pox.
If it hadn't been for that incorrect color used originally this little guy would be almost finished. I am doing them on 14ct aida, mainly because I have a lot of that and want to use it up. There are supposed to be little hearts on either side of the main design. I am contemplating skipping those. I'm not sure I really like them. We'll see.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
A 1950's housewife
I finally found an inexpensive season one dvd set of the Donna Reed Show. I am ecstatic! I have been on the hunt for this for a while now but it seemed to be out of print. When I had found any for sale they were $60 to over $200! Outrageous! But on a whim I checked eBay and found a used but very good condition complete season 1 for a whopping $35 including shipping! Needless to say I snatched that baby up. I don't have any of the other seasons but this is the best place to start I think. I have seen episodes online and just lived this show.
The other night I ordered season 4 of I Love Lucy. I have the first 3 and am almost finished watching season 1 and have loved it. When I was little I couldn't stand this show. Her cry was like nails on a chalkboard to me. For some strange reason (maybe it was the less than $10 a season price tag) I decided to give it another shot. I am so glad I did. Elora has climbed up beside me to watch, too. She likes Lucy but doesn't know her name. She refers to her as the mustache lady after an episode that Lucy glues a beard and mustache to her face to get Ricky to shave his, and then she can't get it off. She laughed so hard over that, it was great.
No progress pictures this time, haven't had time. Tonight was meet the teacher night and Aidan got to meet his first grade teacher. He is super excited about his first day tomorrow. I can't wait to hear how it goes.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
End of summer blues
I have been somewhat quiet lately. The end of summer is fast approaching and my son will be starting first grade this year. Both kids are growing up so fast I feel like I am missing a lot of it. Elora is already excitedly talking about kindergarten next year. I'll have to take that day off definitly! LOL.
I have been keeping myself busy working on multiple projects. The biggest one was re-organizing and cleaning out my craft closet. That took awhile but it is done and looks sooo much better. I know where everything is and I have made a huge downsize from the previous craft room to a craft closet. I also cleared off and around my craft table, and set my sewing machine up in it so it can actually be used without wresting it from it's storage spot. There is still my bookshelf to tackle and my plastic storage drawers of ceramics to weed through. It feels good to get rid of things I am never going to use or do. Makes me able to breath better.
Not the clearest picture but is the best I can do, ignore the shoes. This happens to also be my clothing closet, all on the other side of the closet. Also, on the side you can't see are three large dollhouse kits. 2 are House that Jack built kits, Cheryl's place and KottonKandy. There is also a large plastic tub full of felt kits and about six small plastic rectangle boxes with scrap fabrics, glues and foam brushes. I have taken all magazines and books not associated with an in progress project and moved them to the office so I can go through them all at the same time.
The other projects I am working on: I am attempting to finish some UFOs, mainly the ones I want done before Christmas this year. I dragged out Pansies cross stitch and have been working on that each night. I also have Elora's plastic canvas Calico Critter house in easy reach to work on when I am not in the living room.
I got a little further on the bottom right corner last night. This is a very easy and relaxing project.
In the meantime I have put aside my quilt blocks untill I have finished these. I have fully enjoyed piecing these blocks together (the little I have done) and have already picked out my next quilt. I never start small and simple so my full on learning quilt will be a Dear Jane. What a challenge that will be. I have the software in the mail and will begin playing with colors soon. I already ordered a 12 yard bolt of fabric for background fabric. Fingers crossed that will be enough.
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