Friday, February 24, 2012


Well I had the surgery on the 13 th of February. It was an outpatient procedure that took a little over an hour and a half to complete. They did cuterage and removed the lesion and replaced the bone with a calcium supplement. The foot is very sore but with the painkillers they gave me I feel fine. Currently it wrapped like a huge mummy and I am stuck wearing HUGE legged sweats just to get the leg part over my foot, I refer to them as my clown pants LOL. The doctor office called this morning with the pathology report . All she was told was it was a benign lesion and he would discuss everything in more detail Tuesday at my follow up appointment. I have my fingers crossed that I will graduate from the mummy cast to a boot. At least so I can wear some different clothes : ) typical female right? I will also need a refill on the pills. I' m rationing them out to cover the next week, I always feel like a complainer when I say I need painkillers. Silly I know. Here is a picture of my foot wrap, and some of the completed furniture kits for my Lydia Pickett House that have been keeping me busy as I heal.


  1. Glad to hear the surgery went well. The house is looking great. I wish you speedy healing :)

  2. Poor girl! I wish with all my heart that you get well soon. (So you can dress like a girl. *lol)
    Your house is getting lovely. Great work!

  3. Hope you'll heal very fast! Get better! :)

  4. Get well soon! Love the house and furnishings! :D

  5. Espero que tengas una buena recuperación y felicidades por el gran trabajo que has realizado con los muebles!!
