I worked hard this weekend. The bedroom was carpeted with painted fabric, the hallway's wood floor has been finished, upper hall stairs stained, linoleum cut for the bathroom, replaced bathroom wall, doorway cut, then installed and everything is temporarily tacked in place until I can buy my lights and install them. I have just enough mouldings and trim to trim out the entryway but after that I will be out. Untill I get those and lights none of the rooms will be fully finished. I need a bathroom door, too. I used the bedroom one to cut the doorway the right size before installing the wall. I did have a problem with the wallpapering on the hallway by the bathroom, it had a HUGE bubble and I was trying to fix it and tore it. I patched it up, re-painted and now you can't see it. I was really worried it would be obvious but today after fully drying all night it looks good.

The second floor stairs and railings aren't installed yet. Can't do that till the floor is permanent and can't make it permanent till I have the dining room, entry and kitchen lights in place. The space between the false wall and actual wall of the kitchen will be patched when it is installed.
So what I am able to work on are the remaining second floor frames, third floor kids room and laundry room wallpaper and flooring, cutting interior frames for the oval windows, making templates for the ceilings and making the back steps. Originally I wanted all the floors wood but I don't have enough to do them all and the Home Depot here is out. So I raided my fabric stash and found this fabric that almost feels like suade but isn't, and I painted it the color carpet I wanted. I like how it looks, like low ply carpet would look if shrunk to 12th scale. At least it does to me.
Finally, my list of supplies needed as of today are as follows: baseboards, crown moulding, 1 interior door, 10 interior lights, trim for floor and wall edges, heki late autumn grass mat, and scenic snow products. Once I have those I can finish and start furnishing and accessorizng. This build has been super fast when I am actually working on it.